Shattered Reality

1 An Unexpected Battle

     As Mirai no Trunks walked through the forest, he said out loud "My god, there is nothing to do out here!"
     Gohan had told him that hours ago, but Trunks was determined to train somehow. Goku and Vegeta were in a private spar session in the Room of Time and Spirit and his Grandfather's gravity room was malfunctioning thanks to Goten and Chibi Trunks.
     So the only place left was a small, unpopulated island, not far from Goku's house. Gohan came with him but left shortly after, dying of the boredom the quiet isle thrust upon them both.
     Trunks fell to the ground exhailing heavily. Proping himself up on a tree he said to himself "Maybe Gohan was right... this island isnt worth the search..." He reached behind him and felt around inside a small backpack. He pulled out a pb+j sandwich Bulma had packed for him.
     (I dont care if he's from another future, no son of mine will starve!)
     Scarfing the sandwich down quickly he paused. Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he jumped up and into the air yelling at the top of his lungs.
     Instantly he was a full out Super Saiyen, glowing with the aura of the hottest star.
     He lifted his hands infront of him and started focusing his Ki energy. He didnt need a massive amount for what he was about to do but it would still be "fun".
     Releasing it infront of him in the form of a large beam he slowly moved his hands out to his sides, clearing out the entire forest infront of him. It was his mark on the little island, just to show he was there and he wasted half a day doing nothing.
     But in clearing the patch of forest he uncovered a mystery. Hidden below several tree trunks was teh entrance to what Trunks imagined was a cave.
     "Maybe this day wont be such a waste!"
     Reverting to his normal form, he lowered to the ground. Walking to the entrance, his wonderous aura was all but faded now. Inside the cave he could see nothing, for there was no light. So he focused his Ki into a small ball of light to guide him. Nothing he saw surprised him or even amused him at all. He was about to leave but something caught him off guard.
     A figure moved out of the shadows toward him. It was a large man, standing 6 1/2 ft tall, covered all over in an extravagent coat. All that was visible was his face, covered in battle scars. His hair was a blueish purple, cut fairly short.
     "Who are you?" Trunks asked timidly.
     No answer.
     "Speak to me or I'll force you!" Trunks said, a little pissed off at the strangers rudeness.
     "Thats what I like to hear, dont let anyone take away your fight. I've been waiting for you... Trunks." the man said.
     "How do you know my name?"
     "I know quite a bit about you..."
     "What do you want?!?!"
     "I'll be taking what I want... but you could do one thing for me... just out of curiosity..."
     "...fight me!" the man yelled in a hateful voice.
     "No problem!" Trunks replied, instantly returning the glow around him that faded a little while ago. He was Super Saiyen now, the most powerful race of all time.
     "Scared yet?"Trunks asked.
     "...not... really..." the stranger said, almost mocking Trunks power. With that the man lept forward, revealing a blade from his coat, much like the blade of Trunks. He used it gracefully, swinging at his foe. It took all of Trunks' power just to dodge that one swing of the blade.
     "You're fast..." Trunks said.
     "I'm even faster than that!"
     Instantly, Trunks' hand was at the hilt of his sword and a split second after that the sword was held out infront of him. He jumped into the air, holding the blade high. Down it came almost as fast as it went up but to his surprise his target was gone. This adversary was fast, not just fast, he could teleport instantaneously. Trunks found out where he teleported just as he looked behind him and saw the fist of the stranger collide with his face.