"Halloween's Coming"

Written by Stephen Hohmann, commercial can be found on X-Entertainment

     I missed the intense Super Bowl commercials so I went online and found an old 80s Hallmark commercial. It starts off black and fading up in white lettering are the words "Halloween's Coming." The announcer tells us the same thing. What follows, set to some really jazzy, funky music, are a succession of quick clips of full grown people going all out and getting nuts for Halloween, explaining that everything they need to do it is at your nearest Hallmark. Much of what they commercial is playing on is reaction-formation. They have decided what the audience will expect out of certain stereotypes and then turned it all around to make us laugh and think about visiting their store to buy stuff. First you've got the attractive woman smiling sexily at us until she opens her mouth and you see she's put shoe polish on her teeth to make it appear as if they are missing. Zany! Then, there is the high class business man zooming off to his important job, only, he's wearing clown make-up and a rainbow wig. Following is a woman apparently at a Halloween party and she's has a small purple mask covering her eyes and nose, she goes to remove it and reveals... An identical mask in pink! Whoa! A woman is looking through the cards at Hallmark, trying desperately to decide on a good one to give to her husband on this special occasion where cards are normally given (right?), and... A walrus jumps out from behind the rack of cards! Wait, no, it's only a loser in a walrus mask. Scary! A woman stands in a phone booth, chatting with someone and she stops to display her wacky skeleton pin, with motorized chattering teeth and she gets so caught up in the Halloween spirit that she completely forgets she's on the phone at all and starts chattering right along with her pin. Then you have the two stereotypical African-American men, all dressed up for a hard day at the construction site... Except... One of them is dressed as Minnie Mouse! His buddy just looks away. Apparently he doesn't have the Halloween spirit. The announcer tells us "Whether you do a little, or a lot, be an original this Halloween." He's basically saying, if you do the routine thing like always you are boring and don't have Halloween spirit. The commercial ends with the stereotypical smart-ass, coincidentally it's the same guy that ran the projector back in your ninth grade science class. He actually got invited to a party somehow and he's going up to the house, but first he stands proudly on the sidewalk displaying his incredible costume. An orange shirt with the words "This is my costume!" printed on it. Oh, how original.

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