Manga Log #OO2


Kind of took a break on manga for a while there but I'm back to it with new volumes of three of the previous mangas and a new one, Love Hina!
The score's going down a notch because in the past couple volumes, so has the action and plot. It's moving fairly slow and all these new characters are being introduced. It's still been a terrific read, but I think a lot of the introduction to Uryu and Menos Grande as well as the confrontation with Rukia's brother were all a lot better. It was sweet to see Ichigo reclaim his title as Soul Reaper and I'm excited to see more of this fireworks expert and her brother.
Current Score -
Previous Score -
Also down one notch, but that's mainly for the fifth volume. Three and four were AMAZING, nearly a . Mina's introduction was incredibly good and the dynamic that created with Light and L was gravy for a while. Then, it seems the author wrote himself into a bit of a corner and had no other options but place the deathnote in the hands of a business, for the sake of continuing the story. Frankly, these guys are boring as hell. The pages with them and their dialogue is painful. The conflict between Light and L is completely gone, as well as apparently Light's mind and memories from before so it's like the main character, whose journey we've been following all along, is dead. Ryuk is also gone! Lame! He hadn't been playing an integral role in much of the story but he gave it a lot of color that has all but vanished in the last several chapters. Regardless, I expect the story to pick up very soon and hopefully Light's mission can be picked back up. Definitly not giving up on this thing, it's still an AMAZING read. Highly recommended.
Current Score -
Previous Score -
I LOVE Love Hina! So far, it's been a blast! I can really relate to Keitaro and his lack of experience with women. His newfound contact with so many is really compelling and the dang thing is HIGH-larious! Not only that, but the romance aspect is also a big plus for me. This reminds me of a lot of one of my favorite shows, Felicity, in that it keeps you on your toes about who's with who and whether or not they will end up with who you hope they'll end up with. Can't wait to see what develops.
First Impression Score -
It's picking up. Last time I was complaining about boring fights with Buggy. This time around the fight is more interesting. There's a lot at stake here. The coward is a character everyone can identify with, I think. (Can't, for the life of me, remember his name... Too lazy to look it up) His group of pirate kids are great fun and Luffy and Zoro maintain. Namu is kinda boring but once they flesh her character out a bit more than just "I want treasure and hate pirates," I'll warm up to her a bit more. Looking forward to more. It's good stuff.
Current Score -
Previous Score -

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